Recent News

Dr. Kolodziejski Receives Outstanding Faculty Award at Fall Convocation
Sep 20, 2019
In starting the new academic school year, the Communication Studies department is honored to celebrate Dr. Lauren Kolodziejski. Dr. Kolodziejski was the recipient of the 2018-19 Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Year Award. Presentation of her award was given at the Fall 2019 Convocation event with an address given by Cal Poly President, Jeffrey D. Armstrong.

University Awards and End of the Year Celebration
Jun 14, 2019
As the 2018-2019 academic school year comes to a close, Communication Studies faculty and students take time to celebrate some notable department achievements.

Coms Students Collaborate on Sea Otter Savvy Program
Jun 13, 2019
Communication Studies students in Jeremy Teitelbaum's Small Group Communication class (Coms 217) worked on a class project with the Community Active Wildlife Stewards to improve the Sea Otter Savvy program in spring 2019. The Program helps communicate the need for responsible wildlife viewing of these adorable but fragile creatures.

Debate Team Finishes Competition Season Strong
Jun 12, 2019
The Cal Poly Debate Team finishes the 2018/2019 competition season with a strong record of success.
Coms Day of Service at Transitions - Mental Health
Jun 10, 2019
The COMS Department Social Events Committee was established in Fall 2018, with Dr. Leslie Nelson and Dr. Andrea Terry serving as Co-Chairs and Dr. Lauren Kolodziejski, Dr. Ritch Woffinden, and Dr. Anuraj Dhillon serving as committee members. Recently, the Social Events Committee partnered with Transitions - Mental Health Association (TMHA) for the committee's 1st annual "Day of Service" on June 7, 2019.

Dr. Duffy & Dr. Besel’s Research Published in Edited Book
Jun 6, 2019
Communication Studies Professors Dr. Duffy and Dr. Besel recently published several research chapters in a new book issued by Michigan State University Press titled The Handbook of Research on Black Males: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Multidisciplinary.

Coms Student Accepted in Grad School Program
May 31, 2019
The Communication Studies Department is proud to spotlight students in the major who have been accepted into graduate school programs for the Fall 2019 school year.

Coms Students and Faculty Honored at Annual Banquet
May 26, 2019
Communication Studies Department students and faculty gathered together at La Cuesta Ranch on Thursday, May 16th, to celebrate the end of the year and recognize student achievements.
Annual Comm Studies Banquet
May 9, 2019
Join us for the annual Communication Studies Banquet on Thursday, May 16, at La Cuesta Ranch at 6pm! All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend and celebrate another year of academic success and personal growth!
Coms Dept Hosts Senior Buzzfeed Writer, Dr. Anne Helen Petersen
May 7, 2019
The Communication Studies Department is hosting a guest Speaker, Dr. Anne Helen Petersen, who is a Senior Writer for Buzzfeed. Her talk will focus on her book Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman. The event takes place at 6 p.m., Wednesday, May 8 in Science Bldg. 52, Rm. E27.