Apply for Student Grants to Fund Learn by Doing Projects

Students interested in conducting hands-on "Learn by Doing" projects can apply for funding provided by the Warren J. Baker and Robert D. Koob Endowment grants. All Cal Poly undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. This funding may be especially helpful for students conducting their senior projects. Students may apply for up to $2,000 for individual projects and $5,000 for collaborative projects. 

The Baker and Koob Endowments are designed to support hands-on, project-based learning opportunities for individual students and groups at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Because of their similar purpose, distributions of the two endowments will be pooled and used to fund multiple student projects via a competitive process that utilizes a single application. Fundable projects include, but are not limited to, student support, student and faculty travel, student and faculty expenses associated with participation in student research, group projects, conferences, competitions, and equipment and materials related to student research. The use of funds is not restricted to a specific major or college, but rather is intended to support multi-disciplinary, cross-college collaborative Learn by Doing activities. In addition, the Koob Endowment seeks to support students with financial need.

For more information and application materials students can visit this link. The deadline for Fall 2019 Baker/Koob proposals is November 4, 2019. Questions may be directed to Mike Miller at or 756-5773.

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