Student Paper Accepted to Research Symposium

"Is Orange Really the New Black?"

Communication Studies senior, Euni Kim has had her paper title, "Is Orange Really the New Black?: Potentially Progressive Television for Women and Sexual Minorities" accepted to the Western Undergraduate Research Symposium. 

Kim's essay ties in the curriculum taught in our major courses such as Media Effects, Media Criticism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. 

This essay explores whether or not seemingly progressive media has a positive effect on portrayals of historically marginalized or oppressed groups, particularly women and sexual minorities. Truly progressive media will attempt to reverse harmful stereotypes, whereas mainstream media is more prone to perpetuate dominant cultural narratives. Feminist criticism is used to analyze how the Netflix show Orange is the New Black portrays female sexuality, sexualization, and sexual expression, and to what end these representations work toward. Despite the tendency for network television to only masquerade as progressive, this Netflix-produced show provides portrayals of women, sexual minorities, and convicts that can potentially bring about positive material consequences.

Congratulations Euni, the department is excited to see our bright students being recognized!


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